Sunday, May 29, 2011

Are Tawnee Stone's Breasts Enhanced


Melissa looks serene patience sealed the outcome of the initiated. Not far away, she listens to the ebb and flow of men held in the large gallery was once the refuge and scaffold Arab monks searched the mosque not only moments of prayer, peace and comfort, if not that, with deep worship is devoted to the study and practice of alchemy hidden. Debra Von Jonathan leaves only temporarily to receive the food that Melissa develops early in the fire of an opulent kitchen. The aroma of fish, spices, fruit and goat cheese perfume lose contact with the strong metal fumes that emit fire.

From inside the earth are generated and appear seven alchemical metals, gold, silver, iron, mercury, copper, lead and tin, which partners in the vault of heaven with the sun, moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter are enthroned with hoarse voices of the alchemists, when they pray that his soul is purified as matter in the great harmony of the universe.

the last day, with the fortunate and inevitable discovery of the "quintessence", stops the oozing of equipment, fire and chemicals that have been skillfully prepared. And so universal as to be written in the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, the Magister Prini Corella glimpsed in the depths of his mind that the light: What is below is like what is above, and what is above is like what is below, to the miracles of one thing. Melissa is from the four started to make their way taciturn by the confluence of the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, to reach distant lands where they had left.

In the solitude of the mosque, next to his deathbed Melissa listens carefully to the last will of the venerable old man who gasped and whispers breathlessly close to the ear. "You must prepare a crypt in the gallery of the slabs of dead saints, I shot my body to rest in the company of monks extinct Arabs. Melissa agrees with moist eyes, while accommodating a large pillow under the head of the dying graying. With great effort the man raises his hand pointing the finger a small ebony box. Melissa sits up, takes the box and puts it in his hands trembling Corella.
"This text," said the old man taking a bulk of papers, "contains the fundamentals of the Magnum Opus, you will by the grace of God and the Black Madonna of reforming the structure of the document incorporating in your own intelligence as part of text. -You will have to care, "he continued, his voice pleading," not to add, modify or remove any of their essence, all so that your language is set aside to achieve a fool and not as tangled as your expression is lost in the dark night of oblivion. When you finish, "he continued slowly Corella, hiding the manuscript, leaving a coded signal for the location and interpretation. Melissa

dejected and confused old man thought it necessary to ask endless questions, and then pressing and painful only managed to remember him as a patient mentor explained it with such joy, modesty and simplicity all things in the world of science , books and the same universe as her, with full resolution tirelessly longed to understand. However, remained in silence, feeling like his chest was pressed against the mission that the Master had just trust. "Finally," said the old man prostrated before I quit I give you something, Corella took his clothes from a sheepskin wallet, just managed to give it when breathed her last.

Melissa took the bag that made a shocking noise in his hands, opened it slowly, with fear and wonder until forty-five surfaced just brilliant and magnificent pearls whose nacre endowed unusual colorful gems truly beautiful indescribable.


Go to the first chapter of SYNCHRONY

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Robert Stanley Weddingribbon

Off to Stolycy HitnRun III


Three cokes composed of Traktor, Erniok and (i) Young Noodle chose to take a trip to conquer the street spots in the city of Warsaw. More info soon to party and the professions, and below some pics of sex with Pruszków. Kisses.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How Many Hours To Get Automotive Apprentice

New background

We have a new photo in the background. This time Young Noodle shows his muscles and graślawego barspin. Photos made Martin Draper. Lipa is not!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Walden Galleria Mall-prom Dresses


AveBmx visiting Kiev from AveBmx he Vimeo.

Woodpecker little more, this time in Kiev webvideo Ave.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

How To Make Money In Maplestory


had the feeling that time had stopped the Transmuting

base metals into gold does not mean your search more intoxicating, at least this undeniable fact and not focused in only one circumstance in itself against the mysterious Philosopher's Stone. It was the elixir of immortality snatched the basis of its peremptory and final breath. Corella, who more than once came close to death prompted an investigation by recalcitrant, consumed in times of profound ecstasy lots of jade powder, ginseng tea and mixed with strange-looking substances and precious metals prepared in the solitude of his inviolable room in the monastery of the Franciscans in Oxford.

But, in the same way that the practice of transmutation of lead into gold was often a secret chemical and circumscribed symbolic spiritual transformation of man, knew that conferred immortality elixir was not always the answer eternal life in the proper sense, if not consciousness transported through an inherent power beyond the tangible space and time. Pamela

stopped reading just a moment to realize that outside on the beach, the midday sun was on its zenith, his body shuddered to hear the clock struck twelve with an echo reverberated noise impact on the classroom walls was the feeling that time had stopped. To some extent this timeless awe instantly transported her to the place and the fact that text images masterfully recreated in imagination.

Against the blue waters of the Mediterranean, near the mouth of the cave, Melissa sees how far reaching the four initiates Corella has called to fulfill the Great Learning Hermetic. The girl without a word climbing deftly sly Rock followed by Eliphas the Magnificent, famous physicist, theologian and medical Polish. Behind him, taciturn and cautious, almost astride the subject roots among the rocks scale the parapet of the cave, the wise astrologer Memphis Cosme dropping in its wake, pebbles and sand Arnaldo evade the Swiss philosopher with his accurate movements body. At the end of the human spine lost in the bush full of rock and branches, ascends the bluff Jonathan Von Debra, the Alchemist Siciliano virtuoso who had recently regained his freedom after a painful exile in a convent in Paris. The long passage

surprises visitors with its stunning beauty and grim full of epics, art and mysticism. The Magister Corella welcomes foreign scholars in the infamous gallery of the bodies where they remain locked forty-five days and nights between corner cabinets full of books that meet the hidden and mysterious science that keeps the Great secret that only they are able to decipher. The five men move stealthy light and the tables crowded with flasks, crucibles, retorts and lots of spoons and tongs stacked between glazed earthenware and numerous stills awaiting the action of the play together with mortar. On the ground there are many scattered bellows with shelves crammed with containers of sulfur powder, vinegar, urine, arsenic, animal oil, silver, gold, salt, alum, burnt, and mercury, among other rare substances to be discharged and wisely developed in the long-necked vitriol with spatulas and wooden sticks, waiting with sublime vessels causing unhealthy fumes heat from the stove off rap.

Read Chapter 37

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http://sincroniaenlared.blogspot .com/2011/03/primer-capitulo.html

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Deposit Check At Wachovia Atm

visiting Kiev King Kong Bunny Hop

Peter appeared in a new bunnym as a monkey.
In issue 16 you will find 2 more photos papa congo king who was now going to Bialystok, Polish Championship BMX . His plan is to get an autograph and the hare Kononowicz first place in the afterparty. Good luck!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Manuals For A Dutchman Tent Trailer


... had spent some months of the tragic incident in the Tramuntana mountains which no one on the plantation could remember. Epiphany Giraldo's young wife had taken charge of four kids in Apel, so that Melissa could stay for weeks away from the property without anyone noticing his absence. Consequently, while he immersed himself for hours Corella sunk into the books of the passage to the ears, the black virgin appellation with which the Master used to call Melissa, after recalling his unusual meeting in the forecourt of the chapel of Santo Cristo stone for festivities Consecration of the black virgin eighteen years ago, wandered along the meticulous secret passage.

was how he discovered the third gallery, which she named the name of "The slabs of dead saints" by the stony plateaus stacked on each other where the remains of at least seventy monks whose expiration dates were the most dilapidated dates back more than a century. The last gallery, very broad and paved laconic lamps on top of the columns, was full of murals that told the story of the mosque.

concluded the work the mystic Ibn al-Harim , who survived the surprise attack by Jeremy Ancarola at that time, to point up the oratory, the monk ran into a bowl filled with oil slipping so that ended up with a crash between a huge slab pots and causing sharp metal the abrupt drop a serious contusion on the head. When he recovered the Sufi, overheard the welter unleashed in the chapel. Wounded and helpless after the passage is guarded and waited helplessly night. When he entered the gallery found the dead bodies of those who in life had been his pious companions. With great effort lowered the bodies to the catacombs and wiped the traces of blood based wipes floor with musk.

The other end of the tunnel is opened naturally against the Mediterranean over a cave that penetrated whim almost three hundred meters inside the bowels of the Sierra Tramuntana. The mouth of the cave at a height not greater than the top of the mast of a ship was covered by thick vegetation rooted between the cracks of large boulders that completely hid the entrance. Muslim mystics dug two miles continuing the passageway to get to where you finally erected the mosque. Corella Prini

survived two years to attack his attackers who did not have the courage public condemnation as a heretic. Believing him dead, he soon forgot the course of erasing the foot of the cliff to the last trace of your footprint dire. How far were to suspect that during that time Master instructed a young woman of remarkable wisdom and intelligence in the comprehension and writing in Latin, Hebrew, and Arabic as well as the symbolic meaning of certain characters and old secrets.

The former chapel of the abandoned child with such devotion devoured the works of Averroes, Ibn Arabi, Raymond Lull, al-Khwarizmi, Paracelsus, and other Arab scholars and many great Greek philosophers, Egyptians and Persians who soon learned he could establish discussions with the venerable old Magister Corella who fear death will befall surprisingly, planned with wisdom and prudence, venerable and select the transmission of its extensive Magnum Opus. Read


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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Interesting Facts Of Triple X Syndrome


- Ah, - said the Master-shocked here out the bodies.

The story was told in detail Melissa, as she had told, but neither of them met the mysterious disappearance of the mystics. So the secret had found the loophole was a relief for both. They waited a couple of days to lower, less dense air and provided with torches of oil reached the threshold of a long tunnel. The first underground chamber containing various religious objects which dominated the incense and the lamps of the mosque, several stands for the Quran and some richly carved wooden furniture. Interspersed with personal belongings were twenty cauldrons and fifteen taps made of bronze, two astrolabes, eighteen and twenty jugs glazed ceramic bowls, some pieces of jewelry in gold, three and five pillows rugs of wool, a laborer and a beautiful cabinet knobs where they were stored full of henna, oil of violets, musk and jasmine perfume, soap and some loaves of clay for hair, and four boxes full of embroidered silk fabrics indisputably revealed the rich and profuse typically Muslim art.

Five hundred yards later found a second chamber which was certainly illegal library of Muslim mystics. The entire tunnel was covered stone blocks, stone and masonry along the floor. The arc of the roof and walls were sectioned at regular intervals by regal columns decorated with a frieze of stucco that dominated the changeling epigraphic details trimmed with interwoven strings. In this library was notable underground inflexible order of the works arranged along the rock shelf, where highlighted a number of specialized topics in religion and science. Surprised by the exquisite binding books and the wonderfully preserved splendid drawings figurative, symbolic and ornamental bulwark treaties medicine, botany, agronomy, astrology, jurisprudence, philosophy, mathematics and alchemy largely unsuspected interspersed with a profusion of textbooks and treatises on magic.

all treasure in the art and the occult wisdom which marked dramatically the last years of the Master Prini it Corella and Melissa and all his meager seed. Pamela

paused reading when he was shaken by a tremendous sense speculative, probably prompted by the last sentence you just read. He closed his eyes and imagined the little girl abandoned in the chapel as a woman, maybe loving wife and mother. But no, this picture was nearly impossible. Absorbed continued immersed in the abandonment of the royal manuscript, but now with greater avidity for the zeitgeist to dispel their curiosity to a meager "offspring? If so read the text literally. He wondered if this had anything to do with it, no, of course not! The facts at the time she read had happened five centuries ago. A sudden chill ran through her body, looked up from her book, explored with a view of checking around actually was alone, yet I dreaded the feeling of being watched by something or someone she certainly could not see.

Read Chapter 35

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Headache Early Pregnancy



But Prini Corella decides not to die of multiple fractures and injuries inflicted on most of his body as each had foreshadowed, inexplicably superior strength allows the elderly to circumvent not only to death but their ruthless aggressors by explicit order of his-presumably protective-Jacques de Grinaldi Abbot, had him killed.

Although his recovery is slow the unfortunate "doctor absolut" Melissa knows tell the enigmatic precepts to follow in the complex and patient preparation of potions, poultices greasy, bitter brew, aromatic balms and ointments miraculous that she prepared with such superiority that have been able to provoke the envy of any healing expert.

Every other day the girl clean the old man's body with a liniment camphor in plantain leaves taking care not to wet the canvas fractures involving previously coated with a greasy plaster mixing with three different types of herbs, huevo y migajas de pan mojado, que en menos de tres días había endurecido lo suficiente como para mantener al Magister Prinio Corella prácticamente inmóvil. Del mismo modo Melissa provee los alimentos del anciano escalfados con porciones generosas de legumbres, vegetales, frutas y abundante jugo de naranja. Con cierta eventualidad incluye en la rigurosa dieta del Magister algo de pescado, almendras y aceitunas verdes, pero lo que nunca falta en la cesta de los víveres es una exquisita porción de queso de cabra, una hogaza de pan de centeno recién horneado y un vaso de vino tinto de Malvasia. Todo esto sin omitir los brebajes y remedios que el mismo Corella sé auto prescribe cuidando de observar meticulosamente los pasos del arte y la ciencia that in God's name Melissa modestly prepared.

had not spent three months or a speedy recovery and and Dr. absolut walked every inch of each of the hidden spaces of the ancient mosque. Supported by a cane walking through the gallery of the bodies when he noticed that one of the walls of the back wall was oriented toward Mecca and it was excelled by a large niche or mihrab that still retained in all the sumptuous splendor Byzantine decoration of buildings. Next to the mihrab, right, there were still remnants of masonry which may have been the pulpit and later a still richly decorated staircase leading a podium covered with a conical roof canopy.

The Master used to stay long time in the prayer room sitting in front of a wall decorated with ceramic mosaics of brightly colored gold, blue, terra cotta and ocher, whose geometric patterns and textures are repeated endlessly braiding in a variety of variegated forms on the surface, where the phenomenon of horror vacui created a wonderfully harmonious appearance. Pondered the good man against the wall some thought at the very moment in which a mosaic from the wall by an unexpected noise made him turn his attention to a specific point in the web of interlocking crosses and stars. Corella

awkwardly approached the wall and noted that the profusion of lines on the surface irregular crack perfect camouflage amounting to the height of a man. A cast-iron railing with plant motifs running throughout the bottom of the wall, inches from where the fragment had fallen polychrome, the old man discovered a thick ring subjected to moving a rod that penetrated at a specific point the wall, with great sagacity the old noted that the ring exprofeso hugged a couple of branches of the vine twisted iron. Corella Prini struggled for a while until he managed to loosen the metal ring. And then a precipitous a crude mechanism abruptly slid back a sliding door revealing a passageway down more than three meters above the floor. Read


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http://sincroniaenlared.blogspot. com/2011/03/primer-capitulo.html

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What Is Tilt Lacrosse

THE MANOR OF DEAR eliminating from
Pamela felt a blow in the stomach and dry throat may be lifted of chair to prepare some coffee. Within minutes he returned to stay with a smoking rate of the aromatic drink. Again leaned back comfortably on the couch and continued reading self-absorbed.

... When they reach the property Apel's husband decided to install the battered man in an abandoned mosque which is located on the edge of its vast lands. Not knowing who is the unfortunate character or because it has been the victim of such a brutal attack, forcing Ulrich to take precautions, as well as the master of the hacienda guess incorrectly that the mood quite decrepit old man in such a sorry state and will not live even a few days. Mr. Ancarola also provides that the dying should be cared for Melissa who expressed no objection to it.

The decrepit building that will provide shelter to suspected evicted almost in ruins, was built during the Muslim occupation century and a half ago by order of the famous King Amir al-Yusuf as a haven of prayer, peace and comfort. Made of large sandstone blocks was from the time when Arab rule had prevailed on the island of Mallorca. Led by Jeremy

Ancarola and a troop of forty men, heavily armed with helmets, shields, tomahawks and some damascene swords, took by surprise the mosque killing nine Sufi mystics who were at that time in prayer. The bodies of the Muslims were placed side by side on the floor of a spacious gallery located in front of the central courtyard of the chapel where crystalline water was poured from a fountain. A pair of spacecraft is communicated within the gallery with the only access a carved wooden door that barred carefully throng outside.

Given the success of the rushing attack. The small army of Ancarola and the same Jeremy got drunk until dawn under the protection of a handful of guards stationed at key points in the mosque, omitting of course, the soaring dome of the minaret tower. After two days of brutal attack, ordered a stunning Ancarola pyre where they set fire to the bodies and to the surprise of everyone present, to open the gallery, it was completely empty, only a faint odor of musk and a fearful feeling cold and humidity remained in that spot for several decades, including some pastoralists in the mountainous region said they had seen with his own eyes the lost soul of one of the mystics wandering behind the arcades on the second floor.

Thus the eminent domain of the excised from Ancarola was built well away from the devastated area of \u200b\u200bprayer Arabic Melissa now supposedly brought them to die in this stronghold abandoned and mysterious to a guy that did not even know his name. Read


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Monday, May 9, 2011

Best Product For Facial Redness

ULRICH Slow down
When George first birthday, the twins celebrate their first half and Joaquim up to its third anniversary , which is why marriage Ancarola organizes a fervent raid the shrine of Sant Miquel where they give thanks to Christ and the Virgin Black stone for the health and welfare of their four children and all the gifts and goods received. Melissa and Apel let children play in the courtyard of the shrine in the care of Ulrich and Giraldo, the loyal servant of the family while they have the food they have brought for the occasion. The day goes by pleasantly and leave before sunset walkers back to the hacienda. The rhythmic creaking of the wagon and the horses trot slowly lulls the children who have fallen asleep in the arms and legs of both women.

Upon admission to the fringe of the cliff Ulrich slows down the animals in that area is so dense the foliage of the trees that almost never gets the light of day. For a moment is total darkness and silence of twilight clearly heard the sound of the waterfall just tempered by the wagon trail stealth. Suddenly, he heard shouts and insults of angry men, the penumbra and beyond a bend in the tortuous path is not allowed to see almost nothing. Giraldo gives tremendous Galerín and jumped from a few seconds at the foot of the curve peering into the distance, Ulrich observes cautiously since the wagon has stopped hastily. Melissa realizes only the facts and remain calm so as not to alarm his sister or small who sleep in the back of the wagon.

The shouting and voices are violated for a few minutes and after a brief silence you hear the sound of a heavy object breaking the roots of the tree branches. Moments later the horse gallop on the retreat back to the servant breath beckons your employer for this advance. Upon arrival at the scene discovered unbelievers among the branches flying over the cliff is miraculously suspended a galley. Diligently and with courage Giraldo left down a little over half a meter up to the coach. One of the wheels still turn while the other three are trapped between two huge trunks throwing their fronds flushed the cliff. Below the sea completely calm seems impatient craving violent overthrow of the Hulk in the air holding a trunk and the body of a man brutally injured.

"There's a man, appears to be dead. Giraldo announces loudly.
-Apel has woken up and prayed quietly for the Black Virgin have mercy on the soul of such an unfortunate being.
"We must collect his body for burial holy Melissa says while looking the ropes with which his brother often tie the basket of goods.
tie up the strings to the cart that moves Melissa Ulrich and meticulous while the servant down clinging to the trunks being at the other end of the rope stretcher izan makeshift which outraged the body of the unknown. When deposited on the meander discover that the man still had a breath of life and humbly to implore God's love for their meager belongings.
-The trunk ... "Stammers the man moaned and grimaced in intense pain. Ulrich
is nightfall and the danger of the company, however, without thinking about it, Melissa Giraldo and down the trunks of the trees to the galley where the trunk sways calmly. Strongly attached to the little fellow Melissa trunk reaches a handle attached to the act firmly knotted at one end of the rope. Ulrich pulled from above and in the blink of an eye that seems a century Apel, everyone is safe and rescued trunk rush over to the hacienda.

Read Chapter 32

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Build A Go Kart Frame



After a short break rather occurs as a reflective event, a laconic moment of introspection, perhaps contained in time and space yet unknown to her, and unintentionally, almost mechanical way Pamela continued reading the lonely comfort of the room. Turned on the sound, very discreet, subtle as a whisper is heard airy chords Albinoni adagio, suspended one by one the melancholy notes in the occluded space compared to the vastness of the sea, suggestive and mysterious rhythm of each letter carefully delineated to be charitable and expertise as if the lines of writing Catalan Garigoles resembled a great garden full of symbols whose petals travel to wind drift. And so, the point appeared the images of the Tramuntana mountains with their manifestos characters and so far devoured incomprehensible stories Pamela absorbed in the privacy of their thoughts.

A verd Recer of erm in the muntanya Vessantara ...

Al Green shelter wasteland on the slopes of the mountain, Melissa grows wild as a wild plant. It is unusual and bizarre and the slightest provocation and water goes without saying, it is often too stubborn. His unique and dynamic exacerbated does not kill at all its exquisite beauty, however, very few young gentlemen of the quiet region and the powerful dominion of Pollença dare claim their eyes on hers. Apel Instead, his little sister accidentally, is gentle, docile, innocent and pious devotion to the extreme holiness. Thus, the small Apel bearing precious gifts so not long to win the heart of Ulrich with whom she marries at the age of seventeen. No sooner completed the first year of marriage, birth twins Andre and Joan, but the poor health of the young mother and the recent death of Mrs. Melissa Ferrater forces, the once-forgotten child of the chapel-a resident fincar final on the estate of the spouses Ancarola devoted himself body and soul to the loving care of Apel and their twins who demand robust with vehement temper tantrums daily wakefulness Melissa unwavering.

The Ancarola third child, who might be better known by the nickname of Joaquim fair, born exactly the same day the twins met vigorous two years and no more or less, twenty-four months later Apel gives birth to a new kid who receive the holy sacrament of baptism with the name of his paternal grandfather Georg. The four men restless Ancarola always kept busy with the two women who are passing their days in the domestic routine from dawn to dusk. Ulrich instead devoted entirely to the activities of the garden where they grow fragrant herbs with eggplant, artichokes, endive, asparagus, regal pomegranate, green melon, citron and tasting slightly succulent apricots acidified. Along with the harvest of fruits and vegetables the large amount of olive and orange trees on their land so generously allow Mr. Ancarola market their products at fairs and in almost every village square in Mallorca, but what Fortune pays the burgeoning dominion is the transportation and sale of citrus and olives in merchant ships in the port of Pollença.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Viavox Gel Para Que Sirve


The Magister Prini Corella had his residence in the magnificent monastery of San Salvador located in the mountainous region of Puig de Randa. Like his admired Raymond Lull was born in Palma de Mallorca in 1415, exactly a century after the death of the great philosopher, alchemist, astrologer, mathematician and English Kabbalist. Corella, eldest son of the Steward of Majorca, was superlatively benefited from the fortune of his family who received vast lands and a privileged education. He studied Latin, Greek, Arabic and Hebrew at Aix (France). Later he studied medicine in Montpellier, where he was later professor and rector of the university. As a young woman doctorate in medicine at the age of twenty years. Shortly after reaching the title of Doctor of Theology and Master or maître és-arts.

Widely recognized as an outstanding mentality of his time was marked in the field of physics, philosophy, alchemy, and astrology. For his profound knowledge in all branches of science, his followers were to call him "doctor absolut." Chemicals made numerous discoveries and invented some physical apparatus. Honored as a truly scientific character to the sixty-three years, two months after the consecration celebrations of the Black Madonna in the chapel, he traveled to Oxford and entered the Franciscan Order. Dramatically, the monastery held their fate is adverse to him, deep knowledge, all his writings, the practices of magic and many laboratory experiments are attributed to their higher inevitably a satanic pact and just categorically and emphatically to be classified as unacceptable heresy. Corella Prini

manages to escape his accusers and begins a long journey that lasts for eighteen fateful years in Austria, Poland, Moravia, Transylvania, Hungary, Paris and Rome, where, without exception, increases the number of disciples and hopelessly inflexible that of their relentless pursuers. Tired and sick back to Mallorca to the monastery of San Salvador, under the protection of the abbot unresolved Grinaldi Jacobo.

Pamela closed her eyes for a moment, just a blink, outside the sea was calm, only a few albatrosses across the sky with great poise when the ship tore away the monotony of the ocean horizon. The sun's rays by the lead entered the bedroom window. The lady sat pensive, almost beside himself with the book in his hands he walked barefoot down the hall to the kitchen. Pulled Refrigerator Romelia prepared food that was provided in sealed containers, heated a few minutes in the microwave. While eating carefully rested the book on the shelf species, took each bite with deliberate parsimony without looking away from the golden title "Synchronicity."

sunlight with the letters stood out even more about the arcane burnished tawny skin formulary. Everything was so familiar and yet so alien, but each drawing, every line of the beautiful calligraphy, each landscape subtly described in the book, and each of the peculiar characters, all lying in some remote part of his memory. Tried to evoke memories most pristine, but nothing, not even in the lethargy of a fortuitous dream is invoked the hidden images, fed guessed she craved crack.

Read Chapter 30

Go to the first chapter of SYNCHRONY

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How Do You Measure Around Your Head For Giro


An early Wednesday, Romelia and left for Tesiutla Yara would return three days later with Mr. Perillo. Approaching the date of the examination of the girl who had memorized from cover to cover all books of different subjects to complete their primary education. The two women left excited by the expectation of seeing again the home of the Gargoyles, however, before leaving filled with useless and overwhelming recommendations to the owner, who completely forgot comply. Pamela wanted to be alone and took this occasion to engage fully in the proximity of the ocean spell, reading your wonderful book.

Without breakfast, comfortably lying between the soft cushions of his bed with the curtains drawn back from the large window, watching the waves caressing the golden coast of the beach, with great emotion, such as who is preparing for the advent of a secret rendezvous, exquisitely yearning, opened the royal manuscript excessive delicacy, and in silence with great excitement began to read ... Els

raigs the sun is filtered fatigosament Enmig of the aromatic thikness xiprers dels ...

The sun's rays are filtered heavily, amid the fragrant thicket of cypresses, while the damp morning air winding up from the beach to the top towering trees. The strong wind blasts hitting the sharp cliffs of the mountain, while the family Ferrater swift progress accelerates. Melissa walks the desolate after them at a distance of no more than twenty paces. From time to time Apel, the eldest daughter of Peter and Marcia, protect and hold the hand of her mother flipped discreet to see if the enigmatic creature of the chapel still follows them. Suddenly the flip Apel, faces dropping a wild fruit basket he wears on his right hand and the point spread gale great strawberry. Melissa stopped to see the little dejected on the floor. Wheel cart lurched to his feet almost touching momentarily stops race the basket, and immediately abandoned the child of Christ and the Virgin Black was going to get up, leave the basket triggered by a gust of wind new ending up in some bushes near the cliff. Melissa

runs to the same place where the basket has been caught. The blizzard rages entangling the rough slopes of the girl between her legs while the long fragile hair stirred by the gale they hurt the eyes. With great fortitude climb the sinister roots of a huge cypress tree that grows in the lip of the precipice. From the top you see the surf lashing the wet stone plateau where the waves beat furiously emit a deafening noise. The wind squeezes the branch that Melissa is achieved. Climbs a little more for La Tronche bulbous tree clutching tightly to one of their young offspring. The far Ferrater petrified witness the event and with Jesus in the mouth look like the girl in the chapel eventually reaches the basket. Apel smiles to the faces drunk with tenderness, is released from the hand of his mother and runs to meet Melissa. Both girls hold hands and join the group to reach Pollença when the wind had subsided.
bold - Pamela said to himself that scared me stuck absorbed sighed and continued reading.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Silverado 427 Ss Conversion


Transhumanism AN ARTIST

"Good morning love," said Ferdinand in affectionate tone, who was returning from a walk along the beach.
- What time is it fer?
"It's noon. Were you up late?
"Yes, I read a little book
- And?
I do not know what to say ... would be premature for me any performance-Pamela hesitated when asked peremptory Ferdinando and intentionally evaded all kinds of comments, however skillfully expressed his desire to work on a project late circumstantial.
"But I plan to translate the work into English," he said complacently believe it is urgent to save the text, the paper is very old and the pictures have lost their original color, very beautiful and very far-fetched, I remind the arabesque style plant motifs, very abstract, more geometrical or epigraphic.
"How interesting.
"Yes, It is really admirable, some figures have the decorative touch that took Islamic art, but I dare not assert it, because obviously there is a strong influence of elements Greeks and Romans. Do you think love is a good idea? "Pamela asked her husband beforehand clinching the usual response.
"Sounds like a great project and real tiny, and still you the owner of the work and also a great artist, you know give you a genuine touch without affecting the original essence of the drawings and the manuscript.
-Pamela nodded enthusiastically in recent months he had wandered into a series of projects that failed to materialize. Archetypes had been experimenting with multimedia art exhibition Exoterra, so I saw fit to divide his time in both companies own quite complicated. Ferdinand

Tesiutla left for mid-afternoon on Sunday, would be next weekend. The owner was anxious that the work of the house of the Gargoyles will end as soon as possible, not because it bothered his stay at the Port of turritélidos but because the absence of her husband afflicted him as a sad gray cloud that disfigures ruthless sunrise. Pamela

considered an artist transhumanism. In less than a year had been fiercely committed to the aesthetic and creative culture of transhumanism which aimed to merge science and technology in the demonstration of new intellectual and sensory experiences. As an activist of this new current inflexible exploring the universe with the same devotion that makes a scientist, a philosopher or a mathematician, artist debugging the strictly traditional sense. Thus began, not without great difficulty Exoterra art, whose immediate objective was to establish a cosmological proposal imbued with its own vision of reality. Thus arose between their daily supplies lasers, holograms, video, computer design, virtual communities, nanotechnology, robotics and artificial intelligence would share tirelessly with his great friend and beloved husband.

"How far is human beings who expressed their ideas with flint on the solid rock. "I thought Pamela front of the computer where sketching the broad outlines of his new work. Passionately reflected on the artists to print their mark millennium by making electronic projects expert interaction of their ideas. "We have to reinvent the art through technology that allows multi-dimensional expression space and time-concept that forced dramatically sensitized to a new form of perception. That was his illustrious goal. The artist uses the technology, intelligence, creativity and aesthetics, to produce a body of art that has a definite purpose, which is vital, revealing the past, present and future. The development of intelligent machines extreme moves our vision of art. More than ever, the art develops vigorous, optimistic and inherent in the world around us. The current members of the artifacts and new types of networks can evolve away transhumanism as the capillaries of our culture. It is the twenty-first century art, craft manufacturing space of the cosmos, created by new and versatile individuals who seek immortality to transcend the limitations of the human condition merging the biological part of being with virtues that provide intelligent machines. Pamela

knew what he craved, had very clear objectives, "the rest is talacha-stated out loud yes.
"And she was life-you will recognize the event as an experience lived sick. He worked a couple of weeks in the conception of his play "The stone the Christ child", multimedia project that ended six months later with surprising impact on the artistic Exoterra. Read


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Monday, April 25, 2011

Haircuts Like Megan Good


When the sun barely touches with its rays Cross stone monument in the shadow of the holy shrine built by the then projected several feet under the dancers who alternate their bagpipes and drumming dance vocals and typical cliques surrounding regions. Suddenly there is silence in the instant that the Master Prini Corella, leaving the chapel accompanied by several monks carrying a small wooden carved image of the Black Madonna. Corella official Mass and bless the offerings and domestic animals, and all internal and external assets, so that, "the miracle of divine grace prodigue forever. The Master concluded his sermon apoteótico these solemn words - "Our hearts are upright Our Lady and Our Lady is entirely ours."

At that time, the bell tower of the shrine, the Shrine of Christ and the Virgin Black piped your hood with an air of jubilant celebration exploding public fervor the gay consecrations. With the clamor ceases the sound of the waterfall on the mountain and the murmur of the springs is disrupted with loud music that accompanies the dancers. In a pandemonium hilarious people the kids run around the concourse while their mothers sell fresh bread stuffing spicy spinach. Others loudly announce the orange crop of trees that abound in the mountain. Some positions offer improvised ointments and medicinal plants to cure all the ills of the earth, including heart ailments. Orange juice quenches the thirst of the busy travelers, but the older and younger men prefer to cool off with strong liquor Binissalem of Roman tradition, or better yet, the most experienced comfort themselves with good drinks famed Malvasia wine since the time of Moors in the region of the Sierra Tramuntana.

The first pilgrims begin with the moonlight before dawn the next day. When the sun rises at dawn, only ravages of the pilgrimage are the silent witness of the annual festivals of the revered Black Madonna. And there, in the midst of this storm alone, appears as a sudden revelation, in front of Stone Cross, a beautiful girl. The Magister Prini Corella, who is about to begin its journey back to the monastery of San Salvador turns to Esplanade to say a final farewell. In the compound eyes found hers, she remains standing against the light, waving his long golden locks and a premonition that would remember vividly the priest after eighteen years. Pere Ferrater presence of the unusual scene. He, his sister, his wife and daughter retired Apel, Melissa and behind them, the seven-year-old daughter of one, the forgotten in the chapel, the unhappy innocent of the Black Madonna, the abandoned child of Christ, she's the patron saint of pilgrims continues peacefully in silence, without say a single word, without expressing fear, pain and suffering. Pamela woke

still with eyes full of tears, was reflected in a mirror lacerating similar circumstances, infinitely loved that girl and the distance of over five hundred years felt his misfortune as his own. Healing the wounds of his time and was recently, at least so she thought. Read CHAPTER 27

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

How Much Time End Stage Liver Disease


Pamela began that night reading your wonderful book "sync." The first page displayed the title framed in a sepia vignette somewhat blurred plant with very abstract symbols, symmetric and painstakingly intertwined. In the next section was the beginning of the first page of the ancient and mysterious issue.

No hi interrogants sense has futur ... The aclareix coses les temps. Maig, 1478
No future without question ... Time clarifies things. May 1478

Damunt Muntanyes altes them, a l'est extrem Serra Tramuntana ...

On the high mountains, the eastern end of the Sierra Tramuntana on the north coast of the island of Mallorca, the hermitage of Sant Miquel stands at 540 meters above the sea and from the large terraces to the north are the blue waters of the Mediterranean. The small building with its tower, belfry and octagonal sacristy, is built entirely of sandstone. Completes the measured space of half an orange a dome covered in attached tiled interior and outside the spherical surface is covered with polychrome ceramic pieces. In the front a rough wooden door at the top takes the form of an arch. The only access is framed by pilasters and protected by a Bastimento on which there is a small rosette predominantly flamboyant Gothic style. Inside, sober, dark under the thick ribs of the vault, an image of the Virgin Black expected to begin the pilgrimage.

With the first light of dawn, he heard the distant roar of chants and prayers mixed, the crowd rapt in the faith of the Cross and the Black Virgin, executed in unison with pious choir of discordant voices, shaking up the spirits at night lodged in the tortuous path of the mountain. Excelled flanked by canyons and cliffs on the edge of a narrow path, the crowd announced its proximity to the cacophonous sound of a prayer interspersed between the bleating and the rhythmic tinkling sheep. The fertile landscape of old growth cypress trees and olive trees opens sharply in the forecourt of the hill in front of the hermitage of Sant Miquel. In the distance, the dancers prelude to clay flutes, bagpipes and drums the emergence of a unique pilgrims procession disguised as angels and devils, followed by a group of young women dressed in robes discolored in shades of dark blue, carrying heavy baskets on their heads with bread and wildflowers.

dawning and the first rays of sun incite riotous fervor of the dancers from Llucmajor, who run in front of the faithful viewers, risky human pyramids with ease and happy to show the youngest walker at the top displays a basket full of almonds and apricots lavished on its lush fields south of Mallorca. The rumbling sound grows around groups of villagers who are disposed across the forecourt of the chapel seasoned vintage cheeses, olives, garlic, sausage, entertainment, donuts, cake of figs and melons and typical figures made of olive wood, originally from the village of Alfabia. The tinkle of the sheep and the whistling of the clay roofing siurells characterizes the spirited fun of the dancers came on foot from Portola, that lessens or grace or strength or even after 15 hours of rough travel the weary winding paths.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Soul Silver Suicune Locations



The couple retired from the palapa lining up toward the fishing pier. An old man and perhaps his grandson, a toddler as five years he tried his luck with a pair of hooks that were attached to a nylon thread whose end swiftly rolled up in a rough wooden spool. The old man threw the hook that had a colorful metal counterweight as far as possible, while the boy just let him fall to the bottom of the crystal clear waters bordering the dock. A few minutes later the boy slowly pulled the hook with a crab that had been confused in the flesh with its powerful pincers. The boy grabbed the crab and threw it without fanfare in a bucket full of seawater. Soon the same, the boy after placing a large piece of bait on the hook, dropped the hook in the water and ready, quickly fell another crab while the old man did not catch anything. So were a couple of hours until picked up their propping tired of fishing and went to the Knob husbands who had been observing for some time.

-Buy me my lady crabs, "said the boy proudly showing strong bucket full of shellfish.
- As the days? Pamela asked him interested in the well-earned good artfully and pulse.
-A half-dozen fifteen dollars, "he hastened to say the kid with his loud little voice turning to see the old man nodded with a gesture of approval.
- What if I buy a dozen in how you leave me? Pamela asked rather than haggling over the cost of seafood, measuring the business skills of child. "Like Miss
to fifteen dollars a half dozen. "Scolded the child and the old man nodded again with a smile that accentuated every furrow aged dark skin.
"Well, give me a dozen owner-requested conviction against the boy's eloquence expertly made unprecedented two bundles of six crabs each. Pamela turn gave three ten-peso coins to the child kissed by the sign of the cross. Already retired when Ferdinand headed the old asking - What fishing no luck?
"The fish do not bite nearly as young, very sentenced learned to care," said the old man resigned to accept the inevitable. They walked slowly off the locals look Knob circumspect of the spouses. The decrepit old man dragged his body heavily while the child was holding the left hand while playing with the right tray where they had been even two crabs.

came home from the beach at sunset, Romelia received the bundle of crustaceans who prepared the next day chilpachole broth. After a frugal dinner, the young couple locked in a makeshift workshop with Pamela who manifested elation, without preamble or explanation, removed the cloth that covered her beloved unexpectedly leaving bare chest. Ferdinand instantly silenced. Artificial light of lamps aimed at the center of the rosette dramatically accentuated the brightness of the flashes emitted unused jewelry in all directions. With fearful Knob ran both hands moving gently over the smooth wood surface in a respectful attitude. His wife watched him in silence, and a provision almost mystical together explored one by one the strange and incomprehensible symbols endowed with extraordinary beauty. It was also enraptured with the wonderful and perfect symmetry explicit figures, prodigious mastery of the art exposed in each of the materials and the unprecedented wealth and their selection. But his fascination was still noticing the mysterious syncretism of jewelry taken in an act unquestionably deliberate and inscrutable.

- Have you read the book? He asked quietly Ferdinand fearing to break the magic spell that made them contemplate the great arcanum.
"No, well actually just some random lines ... is written Catalan, Pamela completed the sentence without really knowing what to say.
, who possessed this great relic ... Thoughtfully-exposed Mr knob-must have taken a position quite well off ... so I do not understand why ... "He paused Ferdinand fearing hurting his wife with the comment that he would exhibit, but the owner guessed his thoughts and finished the sentence for him. "I left
Pamela said stoically.
"Sorry little girl, I would not be so grim.
"Do not worry, I've thought, and do not know how it haunts me not understanding anything. Do not know what does all this with me. Moreover, do not even know that I do.
"Too many questions for one day, give love time to time, perhaps reading the book will clarify many things. Come, let us rest, tomorrow is another day. Read


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Friday, April 22, 2011

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Ferdinand Knob spend the weekend with Pamela at the Port of turritélidos. Came home the beach at noon, the owner had hardly rested but he looked radiant and in good spirits. Yara Romelia and the employer received with great joy, food is served outdoors under the shade of a palapa facing rough waters in the Gulf of Mexico. The dinner conversation Pamela passed without touching the subject of his beloved and unusual chest, Ferdinand instead established a dialogue with such fervor by other details of their recent research, in which experience on the computer artificial intelligence program capable to make human cognitive processes.
-Los SMUKs said the young Knob with unexpected familiarity name as if it was the upstart daily to his lovely wife.
- The what? "Laughed the owner willingly
-Los SMUKs Ferdinand repeated solemnly, there are four populations of CompuNet which applying simple rules to be learned and perfect, will enable the fittest win the control of the territory and its balanced survival. He paused, to the astonishment of Pamela obviously was on the tip of the tongue an obvious question.
-The-CompuNet the young man came forward questioning the alleged "are entities created from genetic algorithms and artificial life.
- Ah, I see! Is it something like organisms living in a virtual world? "Exactly tiny
said with a gesture of tenderness placing his left arm on the delicate shoulders naked Pamela" I designed a very simple ecosystem contained in a module 16, ie in an area of \u200b\u200bfour by four sectors. Each sector contains paths to determinants such as valid sequence, refused and prevented. Sectors also set the parameters of elimination and reproduction.
"I feel great, but do not understand how these bodies can learn to survive, so to speak.
"This is the crux of the matter. Understanding well the problem is to establish the characteristics that have the artificial cognitive system in such a way that allows them learning without prior knowledge.
- And this is very complicated?
"No, if I can CompuNet each stock that, em, aKa and AUA can interact with its own autonomy by mimicking some of the characteristics of living things.
"Well, that already sounds quite problematic. "Pamela said with some uncertainty.
"Not so, some researchers have already succeeded in providing some computer programs the ability to reason or discernment very close to human intelligence.

Romelia Then he approached the table to remove the service, was his daughter who placed Yara a generous bowl of fresh fruit slices arranged with tasteful extravagance of woven banana leaves, mint and mint. Immediately returned the girl's mother with the dishes of dessert and a pot of aromatic coffee, made with vanilla and cinnamon served immediately in two jars of clay. The beneficial aroma of the cultivated species in the region Papantleca solid chunks mixed with molasses water and pure grain coffee, the conversation gave cautious character who always opt knob is used to refer to topics that were his specialty infallible .
"Basically we must establish the minimum knowledge that must have a priori cognitive system to obtain from him the maximum learning in the shortest time possible. "He said with his eyes directed toward the ocean horizon, clear eyes focusing perhaps on a distant point where the blue of the sea surface is indistinguishable from the clear sky when it is free of clouds.
"You mean a similar model as that of the Snake game," said Pamela with likely interest.
"No, no, no ... Nothing to do with cause-effect association models. Made a long pause as if it cost him great effort to clear the tangle of his thoughts. "Finally he said," You must be a connectionist model that promotes self-development processes involved in the gradual multiasociación.
"And I suppose you think the SMUKs achieve.
"I'm sure. Ferdinand-emphasized more to convince his wife, provided a challenge to himself.
"I'll get love, you deserve for your great determination and effort," said Pamela lovingly received in exchange for their good wishes and a passionate kiss. Read


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Thursday, April 21, 2011

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- O io non so! Said with such sound, his voice gave a lewd echo as far away as the time when the adage must have been written. Even

architect behind the mystery of hidden, "he thought to find it anywhere no testimony or heading the author of the work, written with incomparable art and expertise available, it was clear he had been founded at different times and for very peculiar people. He closed the book placed next to his chest solemn parody a hug to make way for his thoughts, without any reasonable argument were multiplied on a winding fickle abyss of confusion and bewilderment. Along with the book, flanking both sides, were distributed in individual a kind of tickets printed with grotesque designs stamps bizarre and lonely characters or accompanied by a prolific and eloquent bestiary. At the top all along beautifully wrapped package with a kind of dark velvet, highlighted excessive hidden compartment for a tab that Pamela got up with great diligence.

- Wow! Joyful joyfully exclaimed in a doze to see a perfect line of magnificent pearls. The gems were of such extraordinary beauty and extravagance colorful sunset that the owner put into question the authenticity of the jewels, not only of pearls but of all the precious stones that adorned masterfully the entire work. Was upset to admit for a moment thought so sordid. With unheard of abject stupidity was found to conjecture petty and trivial to dismiss for a moment of unforgivable weakness, expertise, scholarship, art, expertise of the artist facing the same technique and even the meaning and the vital essence of his invaluable creation, prepending exclusively to the expected value of its components. Pamela felt a terrible fear, unexpectedly was faced with tangible uncertainty of the past, there was no concession or escape, was discovered indubitable front of him, and had to figure it out even if it was terrible. Gradually regained his heart beat regularly, took a deep breath and with renewed courage opened the bottom chamber was completely equal and opposite to that containing the exotic pearls. Perplexed, disappointed perhaps sarcastically said that the rack was completely empty.

The owner looked ecstatic his precious legacy for hours without finding the slightest explanation to a whole barrage of questions began to haunt him and fell asleep when the sun warmed with trembling ray dawn ocean beachfront. Read


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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Health Concerns With Clear Blunts Wraps



sublime No less an enigmatic rosette embedded in the hollow of the central circle the fragrant wood, whose draft was truly superb gold filigree. Pamela extended his right hand para cerciorarse que sus ojos no la engañaban, de tal modo, tocó con delicadeza uno a uno los nueve rubíes en forma de pétalos de fuego que conformaban el emblema radial de una conspicua e inquietante flor. Las nueve gemas a su vez, se intercalaban a la perfección con nueve corazones, los cuales fueron concebidos en esta extraordinaria joya por el efecto en conjunto de una misteriosa celosía entrelazada, cuyos bordes de precioso metal, habían sido introducidos en el contrachapado de la nigria madera aromática. Pamela no cesaba de admirarse, y mientras más observaba el magnífico rosetón, nuevas formas surgían de la esbelta línea que había sido trazada sin principio ni fin. Intercalada al pie de los pétalos, you could see a star formed by the majestic effect of the lattice, and the interior of this star stood out a smaller one, which in each of his nine picks was a magnificent diamond crimp.

"This is really superb, and it is wonderful ... mine. Absolutely mine, Pamela whispered with naive arrogance. That was far from understanding its full responsibility towards the ultimate destination was revealed between categorical source symbols of order and the infinite significance of the structure of the universe. He realized at that moment that the case was still neat closed with a simple latch correctly placed in each of the four sides of the lavish cover. The difficulty will unlock the brief represented dark metal pins, gave the absolute certainty that no one had violated his already endearing legacy, at least-represented "in the last 25 years. Finally lifted the cover adorned with plethoric unusual jewelry and gently deposited on the same table that was the only witness so wonderful discovery. Thus, resolute, honest, opened the beautiful urn in the twilight of the fifth day at the beach, the waves near the coastal chopped reminded the turquoise blue sea of \u200b\u200bhis native Barcelona when a strange feeling of nostalgia, or more While the presence of something incorporeal hung like a specter in the imponderable environment. The essence of the past will soon be beyond the time the drag elliptical, Pamela knew it well, knowledge was evident in the artist's work, and any folly of eternal reward was unnecessary, the way she had been drawn. At that moment

experienced a spontaneous quickly to know the contents of the trunk, and there he is, glorious in front of her. The first thing that caught his attention was an unusually large format book. The thick dark paste polished gold was engraved the title of "sync." Pamela took the volume so naturally as if it were an object of its own making. Opened visibly shrunken some random pages of the magnificent work, which was replete with illustrations and symbols for other incomprehensible. The handwritten text with handwriting virtuous to welcome Pamela fortune was documented in Catalan. He read to himself a fortuitous and unexpected item by pointing his forefinger at the top of a leaf.

temps a movement is cyclical, semblant del passat,
imatge that in the month Enllà emergeix

is a cyclical time, face the past, picture that emerges in the afterlife. Read


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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Face Not Tanning As Much As Body



It's time to remove the paper wrapper that exposed a rough wooden box nailed crudely. Toolbox grabbed pliers and a chisel and ability right hand removed one by one the small nails. When he finally removed the cap was square box, she noticed that an envelope yellowish lay on the worn surface of a rough cover of dark skin. He opened the pristine on without noticing the trembling excited waving his hands hopelessly. Read aloud to himself. Dear daughter

. God knows all these years of my prayers and sufferings. And when painful resignation was accepted that motherhood would not blessed me, you came to my door as the most wonderful miracle of life. Now that I have you in my arms and see your tender smile if not one day have the courage to confess the truth inexcusable. Your name is Pamela. Deciding who is embroidered with your clothes legitimate devotion. Know the date of your birth, I know nothing about your real parents, I can only tell you that this package never opened for fear of finding your home and having to surrender, was all that accompanied you that miraculous day God sent you into my arms.
Forgive me if I have done some damage, I just tried to be a good mother.
leave in the custody of the Bank rather than yours, I know that someday, when God so you'll have in your own hands. Mommy loves you

September 1975

Pamela felt a wrenching knot in my throat, first experienced the fear of facing uncertainty, hesitated for a instantly reveal the mystery of the box but it was too late, with a sudden movement attempted to loosen the leather, but it was useless, had to be patient unpins one by one the other tables in the case.

"At last, it was said to see released on packaging that was worn as a pouch sewn on all sides.

"Patience, and requires less, mentally repeated while faced the task of undoing understood that someone had taken the trouble to make rigorous.

Finally, after several minutes that seemed eternal, leather lining up at the same time he closed his eyes tightly and when he opened his amazement was indescribable.

- Oh god! "He cried this is superb.

-I must be hallucinating, "said visibly captivated by the influx of exotic and subtle aroma emitting profusely that kind of extravagant or mammoth relic box. Pamela exalted senses failed to understand the significance of regional and poignant symbol that had been highlighted on the cover of the case with waste, art and scholarly expertise in exquisite bas-relief wood smooth tawny. The owner remained unperturbed by the wonder of such an allegory framed with unusual lace, divinely engraved along the edge, terminating in an oculus aboquillado, with three concentric circular archivolts, masterfully carved. Read


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Saturday, April 16, 2011

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Beachfront clarify ideas, the mind clears and our attitudes become sensible. Pamela was convinced that phrase he decided to stay at the Port of turritélidos until the work of the House of the Gargoyles had concluded. Yara and Romelia company and made him silent enough room away from the resorts was the ideal place to understand and reflect a different view of what had been his own life.

knew nothing yet enigmatic legacy of treasured with great zeal in his possession. Imperturbable waited three long days and nights, to be ensconced in the beach house to open the package. On the fourth day he took the envelope he placed with great care on the table in his makeshift workshop. Carefully removed the thick plastic that some time should have been transparent. Lower the opacity of the material is guessed that Pamela read inscriptions clearly to be the bundle exposed.

two messages were printed in large cloud on the sender and recipient of a Barcelona private messaging. The Securities Caxa West Bank of Spain was sending to Don Ernesto Thien. He felt a sharp pain in my stomach to read the name of his infamous grandfather, a thousand times cursed him from the depths of his heart. He made a great effort to dissuade him from his obvious discomfort, so eagerly aspired to unbearable concentrating on the reading of the specifications stated in the label content, but found nothing revealing, only relative terms the nature of the weight, size and package material it was worth the meager amount of 6500 pesetas.

was about to remove the paper wrapper when carefully monitored the shipment date, June 12, 1994. Unusual, inspecting the package she was just 5 years later. This seemed a good omen because the sum of the digits of date also totaled five. Pamela had a curious habit of adding the numbers that were representative to take them to a minimum. This is Day 1 +2, plus 6 of the sixth month was June, 1 +9 +9 +4 over the year, all together up to a total of 32, finally the sum of 3 + 2 equals 5. It would not take long to discover the importance ancient symbolic and represent you forever until the last day of his life that kabbalistic meaning of this number. Read


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Friday, April 15, 2011

How To Reinstall A Wlan Card


engineer realized that Pamela did not react to what happened, I was petrified He could not say anything.
- You want me to open up lady? Asked the man burned with curiosity.
"Yes," said Pamela hesitantly. Yara was quickly removed her apron with fragments of brick, cement and dust covering the surface of the trunk. In one fell swoop into the lock and opened the box before the disbelieving eyes of the owner, came the personal items that Abigail and Henry take it during the trip where I lost woefully ill-fated life. Pamela knelt in reverence before the stale belongings of their parents. And as a poignant reunion with severe pain who thronged his chest let out the tears that had held all those years. Yara caressed hair gently in front of the stunned everyone's presence.

engineer helped her up, and he and the girl was led into the house. Romelia he prepared a tea of \u200b\u200blinden that Pamela took with small sips. No sooner had recovered the owner when two laborers came to the trunk and placed it in the middle of the room TV.
"We found something else," said one worker to engineer, they are taking it carefully because it is paved on the wall. -Pamela
managed to hear the report that had just given him a pawn of principal and tried to get up to appear in the demolition, but at that moment entered Mr. Knob who had returned early from the University with the intention to entertain his wife on her birthday. The husband was rather surprised to note the confusion that had broken out among workers. Immediately went to Pamela who was certainly a deplorable state.

- What is small? "I said quietly trying to find privacy in the response. Succinctly, the owner gave details of what happened to what Ferdinand reacted rather than objective.
"The questions are being answered my love, not fear, no one can hurt you. Pamela welcomed as a blessed balm warm words of Ferdinand. He felt greatly strengthened by noticing that the memory of his adoptive parents materialized in front of her in a cluster of objects that still retained their peculiar aroma. He felt so close to the father figure he was intimately familiar for so long, that in a moment found that five years did not change anything, the past returned to its starting point as if it had happened yesterday.

The engineer who had left returned briefly to work with a heavy package that quickly put on the coffee table. It was hard
-rescue, "he said with obvious pride, he had built it on the wall," he added awaiting response from their partners. In the unlikely Pamela attitude slowly rose seat held by an impulse beyond his control. He extended his arms with the body bent in that position and moved with deliberate parsimony to the bundle. When meeting with him as he kissed and hugged kisses and embraces a very dear person who has not seen for years or even better for centuries. Visibly began an internal dialogue between the owner and his unknown past. Finally

knew that was not the end of his troubles, was the beginning of the legacy of a history written circular to circumscribe the riddles of life. It was chaotic dream dreamed in the delirium of an unreal world, where time and wakefulness were part of the illusory universe. Pamela knew that he was staring at the twilight of an immeasurably vast cosmology of concomitant events that have amazing patience to decipher. So deep was the abyss of space and time as an ethereal breath from hundreds of creatures that were no longer outside when he surrendered eulogy tribute, while Ferdinand was beckoning for the confused present for the withdrawal of moving silently and immutable stage.

Read Chapter 19

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