Sunday, May 1, 2011

Silverado 427 Ss Conversion


Transhumanism AN ARTIST

"Good morning love," said Ferdinand in affectionate tone, who was returning from a walk along the beach.
- What time is it fer?
"It's noon. Were you up late?
"Yes, I read a little book
- And?
I do not know what to say ... would be premature for me any performance-Pamela hesitated when asked peremptory Ferdinando and intentionally evaded all kinds of comments, however skillfully expressed his desire to work on a project late circumstantial.
"But I plan to translate the work into English," he said complacently believe it is urgent to save the text, the paper is very old and the pictures have lost their original color, very beautiful and very far-fetched, I remind the arabesque style plant motifs, very abstract, more geometrical or epigraphic.
"How interesting.
"Yes, It is really admirable, some figures have the decorative touch that took Islamic art, but I dare not assert it, because obviously there is a strong influence of elements Greeks and Romans. Do you think love is a good idea? "Pamela asked her husband beforehand clinching the usual response.
"Sounds like a great project and real tiny, and still you the owner of the work and also a great artist, you know give you a genuine touch without affecting the original essence of the drawings and the manuscript.
-Pamela nodded enthusiastically in recent months he had wandered into a series of projects that failed to materialize. Archetypes had been experimenting with multimedia art exhibition Exoterra, so I saw fit to divide his time in both companies own quite complicated. Ferdinand

Tesiutla left for mid-afternoon on Sunday, would be next weekend. The owner was anxious that the work of the house of the Gargoyles will end as soon as possible, not because it bothered his stay at the Port of turritélidos but because the absence of her husband afflicted him as a sad gray cloud that disfigures ruthless sunrise. Pamela

considered an artist transhumanism. In less than a year had been fiercely committed to the aesthetic and creative culture of transhumanism which aimed to merge science and technology in the demonstration of new intellectual and sensory experiences. As an activist of this new current inflexible exploring the universe with the same devotion that makes a scientist, a philosopher or a mathematician, artist debugging the strictly traditional sense. Thus began, not without great difficulty Exoterra art, whose immediate objective was to establish a cosmological proposal imbued with its own vision of reality. Thus arose between their daily supplies lasers, holograms, video, computer design, virtual communities, nanotechnology, robotics and artificial intelligence would share tirelessly with his great friend and beloved husband.

"How far is human beings who expressed their ideas with flint on the solid rock. "I thought Pamela front of the computer where sketching the broad outlines of his new work. Passionately reflected on the artists to print their mark millennium by making electronic projects expert interaction of their ideas. "We have to reinvent the art through technology that allows multi-dimensional expression space and time-concept that forced dramatically sensitized to a new form of perception. That was his illustrious goal. The artist uses the technology, intelligence, creativity and aesthetics, to produce a body of art that has a definite purpose, which is vital, revealing the past, present and future. The development of intelligent machines extreme moves our vision of art. More than ever, the art develops vigorous, optimistic and inherent in the world around us. The current members of the artifacts and new types of networks can evolve away transhumanism as the capillaries of our culture. It is the twenty-first century art, craft manufacturing space of the cosmos, created by new and versatile individuals who seek immortality to transcend the limitations of the human condition merging the biological part of being with virtues that provide intelligent machines. Pamela

knew what he craved, had very clear objectives, "the rest is talacha-stated out loud yes.
"And she was life-you will recognize the event as an experience lived sick. He worked a couple of weeks in the conception of his play "The stone the Christ child", multimedia project that ended six months later with surprising impact on the artistic Exoterra. Read


Go to the first chapter of SYNCHRONY
http://sincroniaenlared.blogspot .com/2011/03/primer-capitulo.html


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