Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Face Not Tanning As Much As Body



It's time to remove the paper wrapper that exposed a rough wooden box nailed crudely. Toolbox grabbed pliers and a chisel and ability right hand removed one by one the small nails. When he finally removed the cap was square box, she noticed that an envelope yellowish lay on the worn surface of a rough cover of dark skin. He opened the pristine on without noticing the trembling excited waving his hands hopelessly. Read aloud to himself. Dear daughter

. God knows all these years of my prayers and sufferings. And when painful resignation was accepted that motherhood would not blessed me, you came to my door as the most wonderful miracle of life. Now that I have you in my arms and see your tender smile if not one day have the courage to confess the truth inexcusable. Your name is Pamela. Deciding who is embroidered with your clothes legitimate devotion. Know the date of your birth, I know nothing about your real parents, I can only tell you that this package never opened for fear of finding your home and having to surrender, was all that accompanied you that miraculous day God sent you into my arms.
Forgive me if I have done some damage, I just tried to be a good mother.
leave in the custody of the Bank rather than yours, I know that someday, when God so you'll have in your own hands. Mommy loves you

September 1975

Pamela felt a wrenching knot in my throat, first experienced the fear of facing uncertainty, hesitated for a instantly reveal the mystery of the box but it was too late, with a sudden movement attempted to loosen the leather, but it was useless, had to be patient unpins one by one the other tables in the case.

"At last, it was said to see released on packaging that was worn as a pouch sewn on all sides.

"Patience, and requires less, mentally repeated while faced the task of undoing understood that someone had taken the trouble to make rigorous.

Finally, after several minutes that seemed eternal, leather lining up at the same time he closed his eyes tightly and when he opened his amazement was indescribable.

- Oh god! "He cried this is superb.

-I must be hallucinating, "said visibly captivated by the influx of exotic and subtle aroma emitting profusely that kind of extravagant or mammoth relic box. Pamela exalted senses failed to understand the significance of regional and poignant symbol that had been highlighted on the cover of the case with waste, art and scholarly expertise in exquisite bas-relief wood smooth tawny. The owner remained unperturbed by the wonder of such an allegory framed with unusual lace, divinely engraved along the edge, terminating in an oculus aboquillado, with three concentric circular archivolts, masterfully carved. Read


Go to the first chapter of SYNCHRONY
http://sincroniaenlared.blogspot.com/2011 / 03/primer-capitulo.html


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