week event in good company is what you need for every weary wanderer Obad topic below and buy a ticket to Lodz, kid! The first part of the Polish-German project "Twin 2 Win: Exchange Ur Lifestyle" starts in Lodz in a few days. The project is implemented by two partner organizations - An alternative to Lodz and Stadtjugendring Stuttgart. Within a few days from 24.06 to 01.07.2010 in Lodz, we meet 36 people in a team with a view to the development of four cultures: a skateboard, bmx and mtb, graffiti and bboying (breakdance). Our goal is to learn to exchange experiences, debate, contact with all stakeholders and take matters into their own hands and direct impact on the future development of alternative cultures in Lodz and Stuttgart. We invite everyone to participate in events Lodz 2 Win Twin Project, which will be attended by guests from Stuttgart, Lodz, and from the whole Polish: 25.06 (Friday) 11.oo-12.oo - Polesie Art Centre, ul. 2a Krzemieniecka Conference release and the presentation of the draft Twin 2 Win. from g.16.oo - Art Factory, ul. Tymienieckiego 3 Bboy Battle (Breakdance). Best scoops everything! Graffiti Jam for invited guests. After Chillout with DJ's in the Factory Arts (electronics, breaks) Picnic atmosphere and the real atmosphere of Lodz factories. 26.06 (Saturday) from g.16.oo - Jazzga and yard club, st. Piotrkowska 17 BMX / MTB Contest. King of the Line. Skateboard Contest. 4 x Best Trick sponsored by eastpack, Blud, Pogo and Systemsklep.pl. Twin 2 Win Afterparty in Jazzga (electronics, glitch and more) Yard Jazzgi is specially adapted to the needs of professions. Prize Money: 1500pln in cash and 3,500 in prizes in kind. 15.oo - Dizaster shop, st. 79 Piotrkowska 3D skateboard photography exhibition by Carhartt 29.06 (Tuesday) 12.oo-14.oo Polesie Art Centre, ul. 2a Krzemieniecka Debate "The value of cultural activity for Lodz and alternative methods of development in cooperation with the authorities," which will be attended by politicians, government representatives, NGOs, cultural institutions, and visitors from abroad. The second part of the project will be implemented in Stuttgart in September and will include related events involving the team 36 people from Lodz and Stuttgart. Instructors: Alternative BMX Association is an organization operating in the area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment and promotion of alternative culture and sports in Lodz. Since 2003 he has been producing festivals, events, workshops, international exchange events and the wider issues of their environment. Stadtjugendring is an umbrella organization of Stuttgart. For several years, involved in the development and promotion of young groups and individuals active in the wider arts and sports of urban space. Supports and coordinates projects incorporating alternative sports and urban culture. The project is implemented by means of the "Youth in Action" of the EU. Organizers: Association of Alternative BMX Stadtjugendring Stuttgart, Polesie Art Centre in Łódź. Main sponsors: eastpack, Blud, DVS, Systemsklep.pl, Pogo, Dizaster shop. Sponsors: Cornermarket.pl, Cobra paint, Hoop, AveBMX.pl, Eastern Bikes, Alienation, Premium Bikes, Carhartt. Partners and media partners: Association of NUD-Well, the NGO Federation of Lodz, Arts Factory, a club Jazzga, bmxmagazine.pl, break.pl, bmx.pl, alternatywabmx.pl, Born to Music. Lodz project team: Daniel Shepard (Bboys), Chris and Luke Sereczyński Jedrzejczak (skateboard), Tomasz Sowa (graffiti), Matthew Maciejewski (BMX / MTB), Natalia and Tom Cłapak Blumental (Debate), Victor Miller and Casper Loudmouth-Zawratyński ( promotion), Jeremi Szymańczyk (music). Coaching and coordination - Test & Henry Peter Stawicki. Latest news: ALTERNATYWABMX.PL Contact and questions: office (at) alternatywabmx.pl
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